Our first release is Pineapple Express, inspired by an upside down cake. Pineapple Express is a pineapple base with salted vegan caramel soaked pineapple upside down cake cake mix ins, along with Cultivated CBD stone fruit gummies. Gummies are 1.25mg of hemp derived THC per piece, with 40 pieces in each pint.
(This product is not to be consumed on Bebe Zito premisese. Please take home and enjoy responsibly. Recommended Serving Size: 3.125mg Per Serving = 1oz )
Serving Size: 3.125 (1oz )
Total Number Of Servings Per Container: 16 (1pint )
Hemp Derived Delta 9 THC: 50mg
*Do Not Operate Heavy Machinery or Drive While Taking anyOf These Products
*This Product has not been approved by the U.S. food andDrug Administration for the prevention, Treatment, Or cure of any disease, or to alter the structure or function of human or animal bodies, or for use as a dietary
supplement .

Available at Bebe Zito Uptown Location
(Uptown Shop: 704 W. 22nd Street Minneapolis, MN 55405)